Friday, 8 February 2013


The Good Samaritan. - Christian Aid was founded after world war two to help those who had been ignored they gave money, fed and cared for all who had different faiths just like the good Samaritan did.

Parable of the Sheep and the Goats- With christian aid helping other people they are helping Jesus's brothers and sisters therefore they will go to heaven like in the story.

"love your neighbor as yourself"- Christian aid treat others as they would want to be treated and help others to show agape love.

The Four IF's

IF campaign logo Tax- To stop big companies dodging taxes in poor countries, the idea is to free millions from hunger.

IF campaign logoAid- The right investments to stop people dying from hunger and help the poorest people feed themselves.

IF campaign logo
 Land- To stop poor farmers being forced of their land and use crops to feed people and not fuel cars.

IF campaign logoTransparency- To force governments and big corporations to be honest and open their actions that stop people getting food.

Short term and long term campaigns

A example of a short term campaign is the 'Syria and middle east crisis' Which is the urgent need of basic supplys following the conflict in Syria, Gaza.

Refugees in a tentGaza crisis

Another example is the appeal of the monsoon floods in Bangladesh, July 2012. People desperately needed water, food and shelter.

Some long term campaigns are the Poverty campaign, in which christian aid want to "bring and end to poverty around the world".

Another long term campaign is the HIV and malaria in which they want too tackle both viruses/diseases and find a possible cure so young children do not have to face a life without their parents.

World AIDS Day ribbon

Finally another long term cause is the campaign for everyone to have food.

History of Christian Aid

After world war two (1940s) British and Irish church leaders met, determined to do everything they could to help European refugees who had lost everything. They gave themselves the name of Christian reconstruction in Europe. Their aim was to help all people no matter what their faith or culture was.. Christian Reconstruction became the department of the British Council of Churches and renamed the Interchurch aid. In a decade it raised £29000!! Janet Lacey became president in 1952, she wanted to fight poverty all over the world. Thats when Christian aid (interchurch) expanded to work in Africa and Asia. They were involved in the Voluntary Service Overseas an organisation sending voulunteers to work in the developing world. Christian Aid became christian aid in 1957 when there was the first christian aid week.